quarta-feira, abril 23, 2008


Preciso tanto de ti.
Neste momento reside na minha cabeça o problema de tentar perceber se fui eu que me perdi ou se foste tu...
E as saudades...ai, as saudades! Queria puder saciá-las.
A única certeza que adquiri é que o devaneio do tempo quente não compensou nem um bocado a falta que sinto daquele tempo frio...

segunda-feira, abril 07, 2008

Stop Complaining

Como diz uma certa música com sabor tropical, "uma musiquinha para machucar os corações". Para ouvir, envolto em tranquilidade, num ambiente semi-iluminado, olhos fechados para se deixar ir...por entre os sonhos...Boa viagem.

"I don't know why
But I cant seem to find the right melody today
I can't make the words fit how I feel
I don't know when
Was the last time that I slept the whole night through
And when morning comes around I feel tired

I woke up from the strangest dream
With a dancing dog and a beauty queen
They said nothing, nada, niente
I'm empty

But Your here and I'm here
So I stop complaining it could be raining
And I see the answer in your eyes
Your here and I'm here
I keep on singing just keep on singing

Do you know why
I cant seem to find the right melody today?
Can't make the words fit how I feel
Do you know when
Was the last time that I slept the whole night through?
Another morning comes around, I feel tired

I drive down to the rodeo
Gonna ride a bull in a video
But nothing, nada, neiente.
I'm still empty

But your here and I'm here
So I stop complaining it could be raining
And I see the answer in your eyes
Your here and I'm here
I keep on singing just keep on singing
Singing singing singing"

Skye - Stop Complaining